Forest Sustainability

Jeremy Lowell - Program Coordinator
Carter Rogers - Assistant Program Coordinator

Bay County Building
515 Center Avenue, Suite 503
Bay City, Michigan 48708-5941
Voice: (989) 895-4195
[email protected]
[email protected]

2024 Bay County Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) Treatment 

Treatment to Protect Publicly Owned Ash Trees will occur June 10th - June 24th, 2024

Ash trees make up a large portion of the public trees that line our streets and fill our local parks. The Bay County Forest Sustainability Program understands the value of trees and works to protect these trees from invasive pests such as the Emerald Ash Borer (EAB). The EAB lays eggs on the bark of Ash trees and the hatchlings bore into the tree bark. Once inside the bark layer of an Ash tree, the EAB chews through the tree’s water and nutrient-conducting tissues essentially starving the tree. As the tree begins to die the leafy canopy of the infested Ash tree will begin to look thin. That’s why we will be conducting treatments to continue protecting publicly owned Ash trees in Bay County from the invasive Emerald Ash Borer in June.

The Ash trees were treated through the direct injection of an insecticide called Tree-age that contains the active ingredient Emamectin Benzoate which will kill 99% of EAB that feed on it. Since the product is injected directly into the tree through a one way port, there is no danger of the product leaking out of the tree and affecting non-target organisms. EAB treatment timing is dependent on the leaf development of the Ash trees that will be treated. The Ash trees need to be actively transpiring or moving water through the tree to take up the insecticide. Treatment of each tree is estimated to take from 15 minutes up to two hours. The 2024 Emerald Ash Borer Treatment Project will treat approximately 884 Ash trees. These treatments will protect the trees from EAB for three (3) years. The application firm conducting the injection treatment for Bay County will be Kinnucan Tree Experts & Landscape Company.

Maps showing the general locations with Ash trees to be treated can be viewed below.

For more information about the program’s Emerald Ash Borer Treatment Operations, or about how to keep your trees healthy, please contact Jeremy Lowell, Bay County Forest Sustainability Program Coordinator, at 989-895-4195 or [email protected]

Treatment Information 

  • Injectable Insecticide Common Name: Tree-age Active 
  • Ingredient: Emamectin Benzoate 
  • Method of Application: Direct tree injection through one way ports that do not allow the insecticide to leak out of the tree. 
  • Application Firm: Injection treatments will be done by Kinnucan Tree Experts & Landscape Company. 
  • Affected Trees: Specific areas of ash trees included in the 2024 treatment operations are located throughout the western and northern portions of Bay City, the City of Bentley, the City of Pinconning, and the City of Linwood. Parks include Pinconning Park, Doc Letchfield Park, Monitor Township Park, Garfield Township Hall/Park, Bentley Ballpark, Frankenlust Township Hall/Park, Veterans Memorial Park, Linwood Bicentennial Park, and Bay City State Park. Other geographic areas within Bay County containing publicly owned ash trees will be treated in future years, as we rotate treated areas of ash trees within a 3-year cycle.
  • Marking Trees for EAB Treatment:  Ash trees that were treated in 2024 EAB Ash Tree Treatment Program have been marked with a Green spray paint dot on the bottom of the trunk.

Map of the 2024 EAB Treatment

The red dots on the map represents the Ash Trees that are scheduled for treatment in 2024. 

Map for the Previous 2023 EAB Treatment 
The pink dots on the maps represents the Ash Trees that are scheduled for treatment in 2023. The map for the 2024 treatment will be posted soon.

2023 EAB Tree-age Information 

For more information about the program’s Emerald Ash Borer Treatment Operations, or about how to keep your trees healthy, please contact Jeremy Lowell, Bay County Forest Sustainability Program Coordinator, at 989-895-4195 or [email protected].

Emerald Ash Borer

The Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) is an Asian beetle that moved into the south-east corner of Michigan some time in the early 1990's. It's larvae feed on the cambium or conductive tissue just under the bark of ash trees. They only feed on ash trees and will usually kill the infested tree within 1 to 5 years. Though the infestation was first discovered in 2002 in the Detroit area, this aggressive beetle is now found throughout the lower peninsula of Michigan and in 13 additional States and in two Canadian provinces. (To see the EAB locations map please click HERE.)

In 2004, voters in Bay County approved the renewal of the Gypsy Moth Millage with the inclusive language of "other invasive, non-native pests, such as the Emerald Ash Borer (EAB)". This will allow the Forest Sustainability program to address the problem of the EAB when it is found in Bay County. The EAB Plan of Action outlines the actions which will be undertaken by the Bay County Forest Sustainability Program with regard to the EAB.

In 2005, the Emerald Ash Borer was found in southern Bay County.

Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) Lifecycle

To find our more about the Lifecycle of the EAB and how if effects your trees, please watch the LIfecycle of the Emerald Ash Borer Video.

Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) Multi-State Location and Quarantine Map

The Federal Quarantine no longer prohibits the movement of ash wood products from Michigan to parts of Ohio, Indian, Illinois, and other areas in the "generally infested" areas of the country as long as the products do not leave the generally infested area.  To see where the Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) is, check out the EAB Multi-State Location Map and Michigan Department of Agriculture EAB Quarantine Map

Treatment of Emerald Ash Borer (EAB)

Present treatment technology is available to treat individual trees and homeowners are encouraged to use these treatments to protect their ash trees. However, the high cost of treating individual trees limits the actions of the Bay County Forest Sustainability Program. The EAB Plan of Action outlines the actions which will be undertaken by the Bay County Forest Sustainability Program with regard to the EAB.

How can I tell if I should treat my Ash Trees?

For more information to determine if your Ash Tree should be treated for Emerald Ash Borer, check out the Identification of Stages of EAB Decline & Whether Treatment is Warranted MSU website.

Emerald Ash Borer in Bay County

Emerald ash borer (EAB) have been found in ash trees throughout Bay County. If you have an ash tree that you would like to save, begin treatment as soon as possible. To find out what you can do, check out the Emerald Ash Borer: Homeowners Guide to Insecticide Selection and Use.

Local Landscape Companies and EAB Treatment

For a list of local landscape companies and their Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) treatments provided, please click HERE.

Ash Tree Identification

Not sure if your tree is an Ash? Check out the MSUE Ash Tree Identification Guide or check out MSUE/USDA Bulletin E-2942 on Ash Tree Identification for descriptions and details.

For more information about the EAB go to the following links:

Other Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) Links

Emerald Ash Borer Program Guidelines (36.2 kb)