Health Department

Joel Strasz - Public Health Officer
Andre Reed - Deputy Health Officer
Sarah Tackebury - Public Health Nursing Services Manager
Melissa Opheim - Public Health Services Manager/EPC
Amy Revette - WIC Manager
Mark Pickell - Business Services Manager
Joel Kwiatkowski - Environmental Health Manager
Dr. Thomas Bender - Medical Director
Dr. William Morrone - Medical Examiner
Bay County Health Department
1200 Washington Avenue
Bay City, Michigan 48708
Voice: (989) 895-4009
Fax: (989) 895-4014

Environmental Health Division - 989-895-4006

This division promotes public health through management and control of environmental conditions.


To make a complaint, click link below or email: [email protected]

Environmental Health Complaint Form



Services Provided

Campground inspections

Child and adult foster care home inspections

Surface water quality monitoring

Loan evaluations (on-site septic and/or well)

Non-community water supply operation

Public swimming pool inspections

Food service sanitation

Fixed, transitory, mobile and temporary food service inspection and licensing


Services Offered To Private Residents

Loan Evaluations (on-site septic and/or well)

On-site wastewater management (on-site sewage disposal systems, or OSDS)

On-site water supply management (private residential-use water wells)

Radon testing Kits and educational materials


Additional Information

  • Radon Kits are available at the health Department for $10.00.
  • If you, as and individual or organization, need to request information through the Environmental Health Division, you will be charged a fee for information found.
  • Septic or Well Inquiries: Please list township, street name and information needed.
  • Restaurant Inquiries: Please be specific in what you are looking for with regards to restaurant information. The form can be faxed to, mailed to or brought into the Health Department. Processing can take up to five working days.