4-H Youth Programs
Extension 4-H Staff in Bay County Jodi Schulz Children and Youth Institute Interim Associate Director Holly Julian Program Coordinator 4-H Youth Program |  |
4-H works with young people throughout Bay County helping them become self-directing, productive, and contributing members of society. Educational programs are provided by trained, dedicated adult volunteers interacting with young in a community setting.
4-H clubs, community service, environmental programs, community youth development, citizenship programs, leadership training, and school programs connect Bay County youth with the wider world through Michigan State University and the national and international programs it supports.
Hot Topics for 4-H Youth Programs in Bay County
- 4-H Cookbooks - Bay County 4-H Advisory Council is selling 4-H cookbooks for $10 each. The proceeds from the sales benefit the Bay County 4-H Youth Program. The cookbook is made up of 300 recipes from 4-H members, leaders, volunteers and alumni. For more details click here.
- Bay County Fair and Youth Exposition - The Bay County Fair and Youth Exposition will take place from Monday, August 6, through Friday, August 10, 2018. 4-H youth will showcase their hard work from this program year. Come out and show your support of the great work our youth do. More details will be available soon. Visit the Bay County Fair Website at www.baycountyfair.com
- Livestock Association - Don't forget that Livestock Association meets the 3rd Thursday of every month, at 6:00 p.m. at the Canteen Building.
- Bay County 4-H on FaceBook! As Bay County 4-H tries to find faster and better ways to communicate and advertise our 4-H program, we felt it is time to get on FaceBook. Please search for Bay County 4-H on FaceBook and become a fan.
Councils and Associations
Bulletins and Form Downloads
If your 4-H club is looking for frequently requested Extension bulletins and/or 4-H Bay County Youth Programs club forms or policies, they are made available for download at our Bulletins and Downloads page. If you have trouble opening anything posted to our Bulletin and Downloads section, please contact our office.
Frequently Asked Questions
What do the four "H's" stand for?
Glad you asked! "4-H" stands for Head (because 4-H gets adults and kids thinking and learning together), Heart (because 4-H fosters caring, important relationships between youth, their peers, and adults), Hands (because the focus of 4-H is on hands-on learning), and Health (because 4-H activities promote a healthy balance of young people's obligations to school, family, and community, and help kids learn to make healthy lifestyle choices.)
Don't I have to be involved with farming to enroll my child in 4-H?
No! 4-H programs are designed to benefit both youth and adults from all walks of life, regardless of whether they come from rural, urban, or suburban backgrounds.
How old must by child be to participate in 4-H?
Children between the ages of five and eight are considered to be "Cloverbuds" and have specialized programming in 4-H. Children between the ages of nine and 19 are standard 4-H members. "4-H Age" is determined by the age of the child as of January 1 of the current calendar year. In other words, a child who was 11 years old on January 1 is considered to have the "4-H Age" of 11 years for the entire year.
What does it cost to be enrolled in 4-H?
Once a year there is a $20 participation fee per youth or $60 participation fee per family, whichever is lowest. No child is ever turned away from 4-H due to an inability to pay the participation fee. Money collected from participation fees is used exclusively to develop, purchase, implement, and update 4-H programming. 4-H also collects a $1.00 or $2.00 insurance fee per member. Members in the horse projects pay the $2.00 fee, all others pay $1.00 a year.
When must my child be enrolled in 4-H to show at the Fair?
Any 4-H Member who plans to show projects or animals at the Bay County Fair and Youth Exposition must be enrolled in an active 4-H Club by April 1, and attend three (3) regular club meetings before the Fair begins in early August.
How long is my enrollment good?
Any youth or volunteer involved in 4-H programs must re-enroll on an annual basis. The 4-H program year runs from October through September. Re-enrollment for the new program year must generally be completed by December 1.
Can I start my own 4-H club?
Absolutely! You must have at least five youth from at least two different families, and conduct at least six meetings per program year. Also, each club must have at least one adult who accepts responsibility as the organizational leader.
How does my child get to sell an animal at the 4-H Livestock Auction?
Any 4-H member who intends to sell an animal at the Livestock Auction must be a member of the Bay County 4-H Livestock Association and attend at least three regular association meetings and three activities during the program year. Steer to be sold in the auction must be in the youth's possession by February 1. Swine, lambs, and goats must be in the youth's possession by May 1. Waterfowl, poultry, and rabbits must be in the youth's possession by June 15. Contact MSU Extension for more details (989) 895-4026.
Web Links
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